Why website speed matters and how to Improve it. You may be wondering why should you care about your site speed. As long as my website is up and running why to worry about my website speed. Right? In 2015 things have change and website performance matters. Let’s start by listing what is causing a website to be slow, unresponsive and …
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Why website speed matters? How to Improve your WordPress Performance

A Poweful Social Media analytics Plugin for WordPress
A Powerful Social Media analytic’s tool that tracks the performance of your posts. WP Social Stats is a social analytics plugin developed by Powerwp.com that tracks the performance of your blog or website posts on social networks. People love to share great content with their friends on social networks, but do you know which network is the most popular for your …
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See why creativity requires Time

Creativity requires time but is it possible in business? I think so, you just have to take the risk and courage to get to the finish line. What is creativity? “Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience …
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How a single blog post referred more than $14,000 worth of sales

Receiving good amount of traffic from search engines is a major obstacle for many websites and blog owners. Our friends at Thewebcitizen.com faced the same challenge, however, after ongoing optimization, a single post referred more than $14,000 worth of sales to Shortstack.com, an amazing tool that allows you to create web and social media campaigns. In this post we will …
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3 wordpress advertising plugins to generate ad revenues

Blogging can be fun and rewarding in many ways, its helps you enhance up your writing skills, establish connections with other mind related bloggers as well as build your personal brand and reputation. However, it can be a great source of income as well if you consistently deliver great content to your audience. Great content will drive in more traffic …
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