3 social media sharing buttons every website needs

Naturally people love to share ideas and this brings forth the concept of sharing is caring. This is one of the main reasons why people do love to pitch their ideas and share something interesting they find on a website. There are a lot of WordPress social media sharing buttons that can help in this. Here are some of them:


Today it supports more than three hundred social media services since its inception back in 2004. The beauty of AddThis is that you are able to choose the kind of designs and the icon sizes that match your website branding standards.
By signing up you will be able to see a breakdown of the information that people have been sharing from your website. Users can opt to enjoy the free service, or sign up for the premium package that comes complete with additional features and widgets like the floating media-sharing bar.

Share This

ShareThis has been around for more than 12 years with thousands of websites using it. It supports more than one hundrend social networks and provides details analytics on how your content is shared. Understanding what contents helps spread the word about your brand is essential, so you focus your resources and avoid wasting time on posts that none shares.

Easy Social Share

The Easy Social Share plugin is a rather stylish alternative for sharing content and images online. It supports only the 8 major social networks and costs $12. It comes with very basic analytics reporting on how many times every post has been shared on every social network, fair enough for small blogs and websites. The plugin is easily adjusted to most wordpress themes, and can be placed on various positions within a post. Considering that this is a paid plugin, its reviews on Codecanyon show that it is certainly worth trying.

Social media sharing plugins are great tools to make easier for your website and blog guests share your content, however, people do share not because of the buttons but because they find your content interesting and worth letting their friends know about it.

Which social media sharing plugins are you currently using?